How To Order
We graft and sell dormant benchgrafts, intended to be planted in the springtime, typically April through mid-June, depending on your location.
There are two different ways to order with us:
Looking for vines for your backyard? Stop by the Tasting Room to pick up potted vines.
We do not take special orders below the 25-vine minimum.
Custom Grafts
If you are looking for a custom graft, of a grape variety and rootstock that we will grow or procure and graft for you:
- Contact us and set up a time to consult with us on your project.
- We procure your plant material and provide you with a detailed quote.
- A 40% deposit and signed purchase contract is required to secure your order.
- Your vines will be grafted, cared for and ready for you the following spring, 1 year after ordering.
Order deadline for custom orders is:
- Non-NY-Certified material, confirm order by February 15
- New York-Certified material, confirm order by March 15
Overage Inventory
To order any overage inventory, which is our main vine inventory:
- Each grafting season we publish what we have available.
- Contact us directly and let us know what you are looking for.
[email protected]
Hours: 9am to 4pm, Monday – Friday
Benefits of custom ordering
Customized service and communication from our nursery team who have extensive experience in vineyard planting and management.
1 on-site visit prior to planting.
1 visit to our nursery and wine tasting room to view your vines in the field and taste through our varieties we vinify from our nursery blocks.
Preparing vines for sale.
House varieties are vines that we always have in stock, ready for spring planting:
Cabernet Franc
Cabernet Sauvignon
Pinot Noir
Rootstocks that we grow and graft, best suited for our customer’s climate:
Riparia Gloire